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As a result of some ongoing work with the Department of Workplace Health and Safety they have developed a guide that includes a health and safety policy that is simple and easy to complete by the turf farmer.

This is simple and easy to complete however it does indicate that the business is serious about workplace health and safety. Turf Queensland suggest that if you are utilising the existing Workplace Health And Safety Guide you should check for any updates against this new document.

The Turf Queensland Workplace Health and Safety Guide and this new departmental update have been developed to allow turf farmers to develop their own Workplace Health and Safety Program without the heavy costs.

Turf Queensland has provided a document on Workplace Health and Safety in the past as “A Guide” to assist our turf producers. This document is still relevant (and in fact was utilised in the development of the new guide) although some updates have occurred and it is highly recommended by the Department and Turf Queensland that you utilise this document to operate at an appropriate level as a minimum. The new update is known as “Serious About Farm Safety Guide” and can be downloaded along with templates from Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Website:

SAMPLE: Health and safety policy for < Insert business / property name>

  • considers work health and safety an integral part of the success of the organisation and is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all workers, visitors and members of the public
  • will, as far as reasonably practicable, eliminate or, where this is not reasonably practicable, manage work health and safety hazards to prevent all injuries, illnesses and dangerous incidents
  • is committed to creating a workplace culture that supports and encourages injury prevention and healthy lifestyles
  • considers worker wellbeing, safety and incident prevention to be vital to the ultimate success of the organisation’s operations and productivity and is an integral part of management’s responsibilities.

Management is responsible to:

  • ensure the business complies with all legislation relating to work health and safety
  • provide safe working conditions and safe operating procedures for all company activities
  • provide workplace environments and systems that support and encourages healthy lifestyles
  • consult, encourage and respect all workers involvement in the improvement of workers’ health and safety
  • provide adequate information, procedures and training to enable all workers and contractors to do their job effectively and safely
  • provide appropriate safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever required

All workers are responsible to:

  • follow all safe work practices, procedures, instructions and rules
  • participate in the management of work health and safety and healthy lifestyle activities.
  • encourage other workers, contractors and members of the public to act in a healthy and safe way
  • participate in training
  • participate in consultation processes to promote a healthy and safe working environment
  • report unhealthy and safety conditions and issues
  • adopt and maintain safe and healthy behaviours
  • use the safety equipment and personal protective equipment provided

This policy is part of our management plan.

Our goal is to have zero work related injuries and illnesses to workers, contactors and members of the public. This will only be achieved through participation, consultation, cooperation and commitment of everyone at the workplace.


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