Resilient Rivers Initiative
The Resilient Rivers Initiative 2015-2025 was launched in December 2014 with the aim of improving the health of South East Queensland's catchments, rivers and Moreton Bay through collaborative leadership in catchment management involving state and local government agencies, water utilities, regional partners and the community.
The vision of the strategy is that by 2045, the catchments of South East Queensland (SEQ) will support a resilient, productive, liveable and growing region.
The vision has the following supporting goals:
- To promote partnerships with strong leadership to deliver a coordinated approach to catchment management in SEQ
- To keep soil on our land and out of our waterways
- To help protect our region’s water security so it can support the current and future population of SEQ
- To improve the climate resilience of our region.
The progressive development of Catchment Action Plans across the region provides an overview of the risks to the assets and values of each catchment, whilst providing a framework to guide investment for on-ground works. The Catchment Action Plans have been developed with input from the catchment stakeholders and provide a prioritised list of actions to help deliver the goals of the Resilient Rivers Initiative.
- Visit Scenic Rim Regional Council, Resilient Rivers Initiative for a detailed overview of the initiative, the Catchment Action Plans, Engagement Projects and more.
Turf Production Environmental Management Plan Template
Turf production is a dominant land use in the Mid-Logan as well as other areas of the Logan-Albert catchment. Many turf farms are in close proximity or adjacent to the sensitive riverine environment of the Logan or Albert River. A Resilient Rivers Turf Production Environmental Management Plan Template has been developed to assist turf producers with the preparation or improvement of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for their farm to ensure that environmental values relevant to each turf farm are identified, adequately protected and enhanced.
The template provides information about environmental best practice relevant to the turf industry with suggested headings and sub-headings for an EMP as well as key aspects to address under each heading with text boxes providing instructions and links to databases and relevant literature. While not a regulatory requirement, the development of an EMP is an opportunity to better manage environmental aspects of turf production and for operations to contribute towards improved land management within the Logan-Albert Catchment.
Further information
Scenic Rim Regional Council, Resilient Rivers Initiative
SEQ Council of Mayors Resilient Rivers Initiative