The new ministry, led by the Prime Minister Tony Abbott, has been sworn in, with the Hon Barnaby Joyce MP the new Minister for Agriculture and Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck the Parliamentary Secretary. The department, now known as the Department of Agriculture (previously DAFF), also has a new Secretary – Dr Paul Grimes.
An important part of the department’s work is about implementing government policy and programs. They will be working closely with the Government and other departments to implement the Government’s agenda. This includes contributing to white papers on agriculture and Northern Australia, and a number of election commitments including on biosecurity.
The Department of Agriculture portfolio:
Comprises of:
The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, including the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES)
Two prescribed agencies under the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, which undertake regulatory roles:
Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA). AFMA’s objectives, functions and powers are set out in legislation. It is responsible for ensuring the sustainable use and cost-effective management of Commonwealth fisheries resources
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). The APVMA is responsible for assessing and registering agricultural pesticides and veterinary medicines and for regulating them up to, and including, the point of retail sale
One statutory marketing authority, the Wine Australia Corporation, which is responsible for promoting and regulating Australian wine and brandy and providing information and analysis on the wine sector.
Six research and development corporations (RDCs):
o Cotton Research and Development Corporation
o Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
o Grains Research and Development Corporation
o Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation
o Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
o Sugar Research and Development Corporation
These bodies were created under the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989 and the functions and powers of the RDCs are set out in that Act. They are subject to the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997.
Other statutory bodies:
o Statutory Fishing Rights Allocation Review Panel
o the fisheries joint authorities: Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority, the Queensland Fisheries Joint Authority, Western Australia Fisheries Joint Authority and Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority
o Forest and Wood Products Council
o Natural Heritage Ministerial Board.
These bodies are established under statute, each with varying functions specified in respective pieces of enabling legislation.
Switchboard: +61 (0)2 6272 3933
Postal address
Australian Government Department of Agriculture
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2601
Building Addresses
Executive, ABARES, Agricultural Productivity, Biosecurity Policy, Governance, Finance and Business Support, Food, Information Services, Library, Mail Centre and Copy Shop, Media Centre, People and Service, Security, Sustainable Resource Management and DSEWPaC, Trade and Market Access
18 Marcus Clarke Street
Canberra City ACT 2601