Southeast Queensland Irrigation Futures (2) (SEQIF-2)
Turf Queensland’s involvement for the Southeast Queensland Irrigation Futures (2) program has been realised commencing July 2009 continuing work following on from SEQIF-1. This program is supported by the Department of Environment and Resourse Management (DERM) in partnership with Turf Queensland providing the opportunity for turf producers in southeast Queensland to undertake on-farm assessments by expert consultants and understand their farm management strategies for improving water use efficiency. This program includes carrying out on farm appraisales, studying pump performance, evaluating
irrigation systems efficiency, reviewing energy saving potential and measuring distribution uniformity through trials. Two assessments are undertaken on each farm with the initial assessment identifying any changes or modifications that need to be undertaken. The second assessment looks at the results of recommendations to assess the benefits.
For more information on SEQIF please go to: