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By following the instructions below… your new quality natural Turfgrass lawn will be established within the weeks.


  • Based on researched water requirements, natural turfgrass will require a maximum of 715 mm of water per year.  Queensland’s average annual rainfall across the state is 826 mm on the coastal strip (1200 mm in North Queensland).  Therefore theoretically if the soil is properly prepared there is no need to irrigate quality natural turfgrass.  Obviously strategic watering is recommended in prolonged dry times especially in spring and in high wear areas to stimulate growth.
  • Aeration and fertilising is recommended before forecasted rain events to further stimulate growth.
  • Clearly the perception that “Natural Turfgrass” is a water guzzler is totally incorrect and provides you with a proven and independently qualified worthwhile investment to enhance the value of your home (approximately 12% L.J.Hooker), lifestyle and environment.
  • Natural turfgrass will tell you itself when it’s under stress and requiring water when walking on it, the grass will be crunchy underfoot, stiff and probably brown in colour.
  • Always contact your Turf Queensland Accredited Turfgrass supplier (Ph: 07 3488 0917) for confirmation and professional advice on correct species to meet your requirements.  Refer to list of member companies on this website.



  1. Level the ground utilising a rake to remove all lumps, rocks and building debris (laying turf is like laying carpet).
  2. Spread new top soil if required, a properly formulated turf underlay mix to a depth of 50 mm is strongly recommended to hold the moisture in the soil to support growth.
  3. Avoid watering at this stage as it will make installation messy.
  4. Fertilise the ground with an NPK fertiliser such as — “Shirley’s” Lawn Food –or equivalent as recommended on the pack.

  • Ideal for sowing new lawns maintaining lawns.
  • Greens lawns fast
  • Keeps lawns healthy



  1. Select a straight line to work from (e.g. Path or Driveway).
  2. Place turf slabs across the slope in a brick laying pattern.
  3. Trim edges with garden knife or spade if required.
  4. Ensure the turfgrass lays flat – ensure firm contact with the ground, tap down with your feet.
  5. Importantly roll the new turfgrass for a smooth final finish and good soil contact for long term benefit.



  1. Give your new lawn a good soaking immediately after laying (equivalent to 50 mm of rain) this will ensure the soil under the turf slabs are wet promoting growth.
  2. For the first two weeks after installation do not allow your new lawn to dry.
  3. Always soak your lawn (equal to 20 mm of rain minimum once per week) rather than lots of little watering is to assist in deep root development.
  4. Once your new quality lawn is established, give a good soak once per week.
  5. Avoid walking on your lawn after watering it possible to prevent imprints and an uneven surface.



  1. Initial mowing should occur when your new lawn is 80 mm tall.
  2. Do not mow lawn lower than 30 mm in warm months and 50 mm in cool months, to avoid build up of thick thatch.
  3. Fertilise little and often (approximately every three months) and water in all fertiliser utilising rain where possible
  4. Maintain healthy dense lawn as this is the most effective measure to control weeds.
  5. Top dress if necessary with quality sandy mix.


  • Makes lawn green fast
  • Begins to work in 3 days
  • Ideal for new and existing lawns.


For further information and advice please contact a Turf Queensland “Turf Accredited” supplier PH (07)3488 0917.


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