Healthy Waterways and Catchments Report Card Released
Healthy Waterways and Catchments Report Card Released
Turf Queensland attended the release of the 2016 healthy waterways report card for the southern area in Tambourine which covered the total of Southeast Queensland and has now been released. Find out the conditions and benefits of your local waterways now by clicking on the links below.
NB: It was interesting that this organisation has promoted the fact it has done well with all catchments improving, but then on the other hand also advised that the rainfall being down 70% assisted with the lack of run-off improving the various creeks and rivers and catchments.
Generally they advise that the main problem and source of sediment/nutrient pollution is from:
- Urban Catchments through exposed areas such as roads, construction sites and newly cleared areas.
- Rural Catchments through channel erosion, including stream bank and gully, particularly in areas with less riparian vegetation and those with highly erosive soils
Obviously this will play into the hands of the turf producer/supplier as natural turfgrass is a proven erosion control product that should be backed up by the Australian erosion control standards when they are completed shortly.