Managing the Risk of Sun and Heat in the Workplace
With Queensland’s summer lingering a little longer, do you need to remind your workers about the risks of ultraviolet radiation and heat?
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland has recently released a Sun safety toolbox talk. The talk highlights the importance of sun safety and explains how workers can protect themselves.
Queensland has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. When the UV index is three or higher, it can damage your skin or lead to skin cancer. Here in sunny Queensland, the UV index is 3 or higher almost every day.
The design of work and workplaces plays a role in the safety of workers. Employers can create a sun safe environment for their workers by controlling their exposure to UV radiation through a number of strategies. Visit Sun safety at work for more information and resources.
Heat-related illness can be fatal, with the heat from the sun, high humidity, internal body heat and heavy clothing being some of the risk factors.
Further information
Check out our heat stress content for more information and the SafeWork Australia virtual seminar series Heat and work injury prevention – a shared responsibility