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Turf Queensland has been working with Motorpass on a FUEL DISCOUNT CARD.  This is a great opportunity for the Queensland turf producer and related businesses to be part of the discounts through the critical mass. The electronic directory, which is attached is a quick, pocket guide that users can refer to for the discounts and offers that they receive. The other attachment, gives more information on each.

  • using your Motorpass card
  • more than a fuel card


  • Individual member of the Turf Queensland can apply individually (see application link below)
  • Mail the completed application or scan and mail to:

Motorpass Diesel,  Reply Paid,  5342 Melbourne, Vic. 8060

  •  Once the application is approved, Motorpass will advise the applicant.  The register of card and companies will be held with Motorpass for confidentiality.

[prettyfilelink src=”” type=”pdf”]Motorpass_Brochure_1.6.11[/prettyfilelink] [prettyfilelink src=”” type=”pdf”]turf_queensland_mpdiesel_standard_app__online_17-05-11_[/prettyfilelink] [prettyfilelink src=”” type=”pdf”]Turf_Queensland_FAQS_reduced_size[/prettyfilelink]

Alternately you can apply direct online by clicking on the link below:

  1. This will open up in the application screen of the Motorpass website.
  2. Members need to make sure they apply for a diesel card (this covers both fuel and diesel).
  3. Follow the prompt and fill out all details required.
  4. Once you come to the end it will ask for a PROMOTIONAL CODE.
  5. Members will need to contact Turf Queensland Association for this PROMOTIONAL CODE.


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