QTPA Member Alert |Latest Healthy Waterways Report Card (24/10/2013)
Latest Healthy Waterways Report Card
Scientists warn Moreton Bay could be dead within 20 years if silt run-off isn’t stopped. John Schluter reports.
John Olley Professor of Griffith University has advsied after completing the Healthy Waterways score card that the following changes in our rivers running into Moreton Bay have occured:
Central Moreton Bay scored a C+ down from an A-
Noosa River – A
Maroochy River – C
Pine River – C
Brisbane River – D+
Bremer River – D-
Logan River – F
Coomera River – B
The Hon. MP Andrew Powell, Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection advised the need to focus on the broader catchment areas and he will continue to work with stakeholders. For a full report click on the video link below.
Moreton Bay report card