QTPA Member Alert | SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA “Public comment now open” (14/6/2012)
SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA “Public comment now open”
On Friday 8 June 2012 Safe Work Australia released 6 draft model work health and safety Codes of Practice and 2 guides for public comment.
As the Turf Industry utilise a number of these I felt you would find this of interest.
The codes released for public comment are:
- Managing risks in forestry operations
- Industrial lift trucks
- Cranes
- Amusement devices
- Managing risks of plant used in rural workplaces
- Managing security risks in the cash-in-transit industry.
The draft guides released for public comment are:
- Guide for managing risks in cable logging, developed to support the draft code for forestry operations.
- Guide for tunnelling.
The codes and guides can be accessed on the Safe Work Australia website.
The public comment period for these Codes of Practice closes on 24 August 2012.