QTPA Member Alert | Sediment and Erosion Control Demonstration Facility (4/12/2012)
Sediment and Erosion Control Demonstration Facility
For those Turf Queensland members using Facebook please take the time to ‘LIKE’ the Erosion and Sediment Control Demonstration Facility’s Facebook page by clicking on the link below or scanning the QR Code with your smart phone. It will allow you to keep up to date with the happenings at the facility and the accompanying levy funded project TU10025 Erosion and Sediment Control Demonstration Facility.
I have been informed by the project leader, Shane Holborn, that videos of the demonstration will be added over the next month as are photos of each demonstration day as well as erosion related articles and photos generally. In the project briefing Shane also informed me that to date the project is ahead of its target milestones and some impressive anecdotal stories are coming in suggesting that the message is getting through to specifiers and developers that turf is an effective erosion control measure. I hope some of you are seeing that reflected in your sales.
I can also tell you after visiting the site this morning, the site is in great condition and the turf is looking fantastic from this week’s Ministerial Day being run be Turf Queensland.
Please support this page and keep abreast of where your levy dollars are being spent.
Jim Vaughan, CEO