QTPA Member Alert |Update from Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (11/3/2014)
Minister John McVeigh March, 2014 |
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Dear Friends 2014 has definitely started off with haste and unfortunately without much rain. I have just announced further shire drought declarations, bringing the percentage of our state in drought now to 79%. The number of local government areas drought declared is now 38, plus four partially declared shires, and there are also 38 Individually Droughted Properties (IDPs) in another seven shires. Queensland is a big state and there is usually a drought somewhere, but this is the largest area of Queensland that has ever been drought declared at one time. I am reminding all Queensland producers in need, not just those in areas drought declared, there is assistance available through the Queensland Government’s Drought Relief Assistance Scheme as well as the Federal Government’s Interim Farm Household Allowance. Our drought relief assistance includes freight subsidies and emergency water infrastructure rebates, as well as leasehold land rent rebates and water licence fee relief. Producers should contact DAFF on 13 25 23 for application forms and further information. Income support through the Federal Government’s farm allowance is also available by contacting Centrelink on 13 23 16. Although drought is at the forefront of our minds, I continue to work on a range of other initiatives across Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Updates on what I have been doing are below for your information. If you have any feedback or questions please send me an email to daff@ministerial.qld.gov.au John McVeigh MP Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |