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QTPA Member Alert | Agvet Reform : Invitation to Comment – Better regulation reforms – revised exposure draft (25/9/2012)

Agvet Reform : Invitation to Comment – Better regulation reforms – revised exposure draft

The Australian Government has revised the draft legislation required for its reforms to the regulation of agvet chemicals and is inviting comment from industry and the community on the revised draft Bill.

The draft Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 embraces feedback from stakeholders on the first exposure draft released in November 2011, as well as further thoughts from government about the best way to achieve its aims for reform.

Please find the revised draft Bill and explanatory material at

It would assist the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the Department) if you could provide any comments on the revised Bill as soon as possible, but at the latest by 22 October 2012. Comments received after this time may not be able to be considered as the Bill is scheduled for introduction in the parliament in spring 2012.

Details of the proposed changes to associated regulations are also available for comment. Comments about the regulations can be provided at any time up until 21 December 2012. Comments received after this time may not be able to be considered. However, once the Bill has passed parliament we will assess the need for further consultation.

If you wish to provide a written statement or submission on the revised Bill or the proposed regulations you can provide your comments to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry at the addresses below. While submissions may be lodged electronically or by post; electronic lodgement by email (with submissions in Word or RTF format) is preferred.

All information (including name and address details) contained in submissions will be made available to the public on the department’s website, unless you explicitly indicate that you would like all or part of your submission to remain in confidence.

If you have any questions about the draft Bill or details of the regulations please contact the Better Regulation of Agvet Chemicals team via email to


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