QTPA Member Alert |Australian Turf Producers National Price Survey Results November 2014. (with updated attachment)
Australian Turf Producers National Price Survey Results November 2014. (with updated attachment)
Attached is the latest’ Lawn Solutions Australia’ survey and most detailed one ever done to date provided by Simon Adermann of Lawn Solutions Australia. It is of extreme benefit to all turf producers across the state with regards to productivity and profitability and the information contained within is highly recommended to Turf Queensland members and consider how this information can work for you.
The survey was compiled over the past 8 days and just finished this morning undertaken by a new independent person that has never done one for Lawn Solutions Australia before but they have produced a great and very detailed outcome that is of great value.
The biggest news is that it is the most consistently positive shift nationwide that we have ever witnessed in the 15 years we have been funding and compiling these surveys, having said that Lawn Solutions Australia has invested an enormous amount of time and funds into this cause Australia wide in the last 12 months and they are really please to say they are now seeing in most cases, a great return on investment.
Price Survey 28 NOV 2014 – FINAL NOV – Price Survey
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