QTPA Member Alert |It’s time to renew your policy with WorkCover Queensland
It’s time to renew your policy with WorkCover Queensland
Your accident insurance policy, which covers your business for the cost of any work related injuries, is renewed every year. To ensure you are covered for another year, you need to declare your wages information by 31 August so WorkCover Queensland can calculate your premium.
It’s important to understand who you should cover for workers’ compensation as it impacts your premium. The declaration of wages guide and the additional information on the WorkCover Queensland construction industry site will help you to do this.
Once you’ve determined your wages, you can use the premium online service to:
• declare your wages
• pay your premium
• download your certificate of currency.
What’s new this year?
• Queensland employers can benefit from the lowest average premium rate in the nation with the 2014-15 average premium rate reduced to $1.20.
• Employers who pay $1.5 million or less in wages benefit from our simplified premium model, which is based on a claim performance rating.
• All employers now have access to improved flexible payment options that meet your business needs.
Further information
To learn more about these changes, or to declare your wages information and pay your premium, visit www.workcoverqld.com.au.
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