QTPA Member Alert |Safety Leadership Guidance now on WHSQ website (16/12/2013)
Safety Leadership Guidance now on WHSQ website
Guidance titled “Linking Business and Safety through Leadership” has recently been launched on the WHSQ website http://www.deir.qld.gov.au/workplace/leadership/index.htm. The guidance, developed by the Zero Harm at Work Leadership Program, aims to show the advantages of visible leadership and commitment to work health and safety and provides best practice examples on how it can be done successfully.
About the guidance
The leadership guidance outlines the various stages and benchmarks to achieve a positive safety culture and links to numerous resources to assist business leaders achieve positive outcomes.
Leadership topics covered include:
- Why leadership is important and how it contributes to good business outcomes
- qualities, attributes for safety leaders and good leadership practices
- due diligence and influencing the supply chain and other networks
- understanding and assessing a safety culture and climate
- provides a framework “The Waypoint Approach to Safety” that identifies five critical steps that leaders can follow to achieve good WHS management outcomes and influence a positive safety culture in their own organisation and broader industry.
Each of the leadership topics link to a variety of industry proven resources, assessment tools, and checklists to assist in meeting due diligence requirements and achieving high standards of WHS.
It is proposed that the guidance will be continually evolving with improvements and tools added as they are identified. It is anticipated that additional case studies and examples of prosecutions will also be developed to further support the existing resources.