QTPA Member Alert | URGENT- QCA – Seqwater Irrigation Price Review 2013-17 (5/7/2012)
URGENT – QCA – Seqwater Irrigation Price Review 2013-17
The Queensland Competition Authority (the Authority) is investigating the irrigation water charges to apply to seven Seqwater water supply schemes from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2017.
The Authority has completed its first round of consultation to discuss Seqwater’s submissions, including scheme specific Network Service Plans (NSP). A summary of the issues identified, and views expressed, by stakeholders present at the meetings is available on the Authority’s website at http://www.qca.org.au/water/SEQIrrigPrices/.
The closing date for submissions on Seqwater’s NSPs is 16 July 2012.
Submissions can be sent to:
Queensland Competition Authority
GPO Box 2257
Brisbane QLD 4001
Or Fax: 07 3222 0599
Or email: water.submissions@qca.org.au
Jim Vaughan
Chief Executive Officer