QTPA Member Alert |Warning on Uncertified Forklift Licences
Warning on Uncertified Forklift Licences
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland has received information relating to an increase in people presenting to workplaces with certifications from forklift courses other than the applicable TLILIC2001A Licence to operate a forklift.
Please note that the particular VET course for each HRW licence is prescribed in Schedule 4 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011. The courses listed in this schedule are the only units of competency that will lead to a HRW licence.
You must not carry out a class of high risk work unless you hold the appropriate authority, with exceptions to this rule including people enrolled in the specified VET course for the high risk work class and then only under supervision.
Further information
Visit worksafe.qld.gov.au or call 1300 362 128 for more on licensing requirements.
Last updated 19 December 2014