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Turf QLD Industry Alert |Skin Checks Undertaken at the 2016 Turfgrass Conference Melbourne

Skin Checks Undertaken at the 2016 Turfgrass Conference Melbourne

“The Sun Still Shines in Winter”

The Workplace Health and Safety “DANDER SUN OVERHEAD” program (DSO) continues to address the ‘High Exposure to the Sun’ in our turf production workplace.

A DSO exhibitor store was set up to do spot checks for the attendees of the Melbourne AGSCA conference. 79 participants presented themselves to the stall to have their skin checked. 48 of those participants had already had their skin checked in the last 12 months get the other 31 had never had their skin checked before. Participants were asked to fill out a skin cancer risk assessment questionnaire prior to their cheque to identify their category of risk of developing skin cancers. 26 per distance came in a high, 50 in medium and 3 came in low.

Of the 79 participants who had their skin checked, 30 participants required further investigations of one or more lesions with suspicious features. Frightening when you see that just under half of the participants required further investigation, and there were 31 who had never had a skin checked before.

Most importantly lives were saved from this outcome through early detection and it is certainly cemented the fact that the Dangers Sun Overhead program helps address the prevention, awareness, WH and S obligation, early detection and support of melanoma and other skin cancers.

As responsible turf producers you are encouraged to promote Sun protection for your employees and have your employees checked for skin cancers.


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