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Changes to the fire ant restricted area and movement controls

As of 1 July 2016 the Biosecurity Act 2014 (the Act) and the Biosecurity Regulation 2016 (the Regulation) will come into effect.

The new Act will improve Queensland’s biosecurity preparedness and response capabilities to focus on the biosecurity risks that impact our economy, our agricultural and tourism industries, our environment and our lifestyle.

Under this new legislation, individuals and organisations whose activities involve the movement or storage of fire ant carriers such as soil, mulch, animal manures, baled hay or straw, potted plants and turf, will have a general biosecurity obligation to take all reasonable steps to ensure they do not spread fire ants.

There will be three fire ant biosecurity zones in Queensland that will replace all previous versions of the fire ant restricted areas. These zones will be in place to restrict the movement of materials that could spread fire ants. A map of the three zones is attached and will be available on the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries’ website on 1 July 2016 at The suburbs/localities that fall within the biosecurity zones in your local government area are listed below.

Please see attached information about what the legislation changes will mean for you and your business; and what you can do to fulfill your general biosecurity obligation.

The Regulation prescribes procedures that must be followed when moving or storing fire ant carriers from within the biosecurity zones. More information about these procedures can be provided upon request by emailing

[prettyfilelink src=”” type=”pdf”]Implementation of new biosecurity legislation_Factsheet_Fire ants[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink src=”” type=”pdf”]New biosecurity legislation_Frequently asked questions_Fire ants[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink src=”” type=”pdf”]Fire Ant Biosecurity Zone Map_1 July 2016[/prettyfilelink]


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