QTPA Member Alert |The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Updates (4/6/2013)
The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, Queensland division (IPWEA) has provided some information that will be of interest to turf farmers. This is especially relevant on the back of our nutrient, sediment movement and erosion control promotions.
Queensland Urban Drainage Manual
The provisional Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM) has been released and is available through the IPWEAQ website www.ipwea.org.au/Queensland . It has covered off on the recommendations of the Queensland Flood Commission. IPWEAQ will shortly be conducting workshops on the changes. Over coming months IPWEAQ will also be leading an additional review of the document.
Department of Transport and Main Roads
Department of Transport and Main Roads is in the process of reviewing Part 4 of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices – Queensland (MUTCD); concerning speed limits. The closing date was last Friday, however I’m sure they’d be willing to accept your comments: Mr Partha Parajuli, Principal Engineer (Safer Speeds), at partha.m.parajuli@tmr.qld.gov.au.