QTPA Member Alert | New Statistics Show Workplace Safety Must Be a Priority for Queensland (3/9/2012)
New Statistics Show Workplace Safety Must Be a Priority for Queensland
A new report recently released by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General’s Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, has highlighted exactly why all Queenslanders need to work together to better target workplace safety.
Safe Work Australia recently released its Notifiable Fatalities Monthly Report (PDF, 1MB) showing Queensland had the second highest number of fatalities for the period 1 January to 31 March 2012, with 11 deaths.
For the same period, there were 58 deaths at Australian workplaces, with the majority of fatalities in the transport and storage industry (15 including 6 bystanders), followed by the construction industry (13 including 1 bystander).
The report states that throughout Australia there were 26 work related notifiable fatalities in March – 23 male workers; and three female bystanders. Of these fatalities, nine were categorised as a Vehicle incident – public road crash; five as being Hit by a falling object ; four as a Fall from a height; two as Electrocution: and two as Vehicle incident – not on a public road. The remaining four fatalities involved Explosion, Hit by a moving object other than a vehicle, Being hit by an animal, and Assault.
WorkCover Queensland Regional Manager Customer Services, Ms Christina Carras, said “the deaths were a sad reminder of why it is important employers and workers work together to identify and minimise risks”.
“Safety is everyone’s responsibility, so if you see something that doesn’t seem right, safely eliminate the risk or report it to the relevant person to take the appropriate action and prevent someone being injured,” Ms Carras said.
“Aiming for zero harm at work is crucial if we’re to prevent our nation’s workplace deaths from increasing.”
For statistics on work-related illness and workplace fatalities and injuries, visit www.worksafe.qld.gov.au or call the WHS Infoline on 1300 369 915.
Jim Vaughan
Chief Executive Officer